
We are a leading manufacturer of high-quality module power solutions for the industrial and defense sectors. Our production base is located in Ningbo, China, which is the world's third-largest port. Henlv encompasses research and development, design, production, and sales, allowing us to provide integrated solutions. Our module power products are used in a wide range of industries, including highways, railways, aviation, shipping, power, industrial control, medical, lighting, automation, instrumentation, network communication, petrochemicals, and security monitoring. Furthermore, our products are widely applied in cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, Internet connectivity, rail transportation, and Industry 4.0.
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Muna godiya ga haɗin kai da kayayyakin Chipsmall da kuma aikin. Ra'ayinka yana da muhimmanci a gare mu! Ka ɗauki lokaci ka gama aikin da ke ƙasa. Abin da ka faɗa yana tabbatar da cewa muna ba da hidima mai kyau da ka cancanci. Na gode don kasancewa cikin tafiyarmu zuwa mafi kyau.