
We are based in Shenzhen and focus on producing high-quality products. We have our own brand of LED core driver components: constant current chips. We have a team of inventors who developed the world's first AC COB technology, with multiple patented technologies. All of our light sources are equipped with built-in current limiting chips, allowing them to be directly illuminated with AC 110V/220V power supply without the need for additional drivers. For DC 12-48V applications, they can be easily powered on using a switch power supply or a battery, enabling simple implementation of intelligent dimming and color adjustment. We aim to create the most comprehensive range of AC LED products in China, providing our customers with the most cost-effective solutions!
Abin sarrafawa Kayan Aiki Farashin Naúrar Yawa Takardar bayanai RoHS


Muna godiya ga haɗin kai da kayayyakin Chipsmall da kuma aikin. Ra'ayinka yana da muhimmanci a gare mu! Ka ɗauki lokaci ka gama aikin da ke ƙasa. Abin da ka faɗa yana tabbatar da cewa muna ba da hidima mai kyau da ka cancanci. Na gode don kasancewa cikin tafiyarmu zuwa mafi kyau.