XMOS - XMOS is a leading supplier of voice and audio solutions that focus on your voice, remove the background noise and enable you to interact with electronics in the most natural way. Our unique silicon architecture and highly differentiated software delivers class-leading far field voice capture and the highest quality digital multi-channel audio interfaces. VocalFusion voice controllers position XMOS at the interface between embedded voice processing, biometrics and artificial intelligence, with flexible integration to automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems.


Muna godiya ga haɗin kai da kayayyakin Chipsmall da kuma aikin. Ra'ayinka yana da muhimmanci a gare mu! Ka ɗauki lokaci ka gama aikin da ke ƙasa. Abin da ka faɗa yana tabbatar da cewa muna ba da hidima mai kyau da ka cancanci. Na gode don kasancewa cikin tafiyarmu zuwa mafi kyau.